The peer review process for the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Agriculture and Food (ICARAF-24) is designed to ensure the publication of high-quality, scientifically rigorous papers that contribute to advancements in agricultural and food sciences.

1. Peer Review Process

All submitted papers will undergo a structured peer review process, which includes:

  • Initial Screening: Submissions will be reviewed for relevance to the conference’s scope, completeness, and adherence to submission guidelines. Only papers that meet these criteria will proceed to the peer review stage.
  • Reviewer Assignment: Each paper will be assigned to at least two independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant field.
  • Evaluation by Reviewers: Reviewers will assess the paper based on technical, quality, and presentation criteria. They will provide recommendations (accept, accept with minor revisions, major revisions, or reject) and detailed feedback.
  • Editorial Decision: Based on the reviewers’ reports, the editor will make a final decision. Papers will only be accepted if there is clear support from the reviewers.

2. Ethical Considerations

The 3rd ICARAF-24 conference follows strict ethical guidelines to ensure a fair and unbiased peer review process:

  • Unbiased Evaluation: All papers are evaluated based on their scientific content, regardless of the authors’ race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political beliefs.
  • Ethical Compliance: Authors, editors, and reviewers must adhere to ethical standards in scholarly publishing. Any suspected ethical violations, such as plagiarism or misconduct, will be investigated.
  • Confidentiality: The peer review process will be conducted with confidentiality. Reviewers’ identities will remain anonymous unless they choose to reveal them.

3. Review Criteria

Reviewers will assess each paper based on the following criteria:

  • Technical Criteria
    • Scientific Merit: The paper must demonstrate rigor, accuracy, and sound scientific methods.
    • Clarity of Expression: Ideas should be communicated clearly, with well-organized text and a coherent flow of concepts.
    • Context and Referencing: The paper should provide adequate background and context, with appropriate referencing to prior research.
  • Quality Criteria
    • Originality: The work should present new, relevant, and innovative findings or ideas.
    • Motivation: The research problem should be well-defined and scientifically relevant.
    • Repetition: The paper should not contain significant repetition of previously published work.
    • Length: The content should be of sufficient scientific interest to justify the length of the paper.
  • Presentation Criteria
    • Title and Abstract: The title should be appropriate, and the abstract should clearly summarize the key points of the paper.
    • Figures and Tables: Visual elements should be essential, well-presented, and clearly labeled.
    • Conclusion: The paper must conclude with a clear summary of its contributions and significance.

4. Communication with Authors

Authors will receive feedback from reviewers along with the editorial decision. If revisions are required, authors will be provided with clear instructions on how to address the reviewers’ comments.

5. Final Acceptance

Papers will only be accepted if they meet the required standards for scientific rigor and quality. The review process will take into account the nature of conference papers while ensuring the highest academic integrity.